Interview with Rene Leeun — Redeemer Classical School

 Episode 8: Interview with Rene Leetun

At Redeemer Classical School we want our students to be lifelong learners — that is, to have a sense of curiosity and wonder that leads them to learn, explore, and grow throughout their lives. The fact that we are a classical Christian school means that we believe all truth is God’s truth. So a lifetime of learning is, properly understood, a lifetime of seeking to better know and love the Creator in and through his creation. Mrs. Rene Leetun, a Rhetoric School Math and Science teacher at Redeemer, embodies these values and, in doing so, provides students with a vision of what Christian intellectual inquiry ought to be. In today’s episode we interview Mrs. Leetun and in the process we learn more about what it means to pursue the good, the true, and the beautiful in all of life.

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