Is your school affiliated with any particular church?

No. Redeemer Classical School is an independent Christian school without institutional ties to any church or denomination and is governed by a Board of Directors. Our Statement of Faith is focused on the truths that have bound orthodox Christians together through the ages, across the boundaries of time, place, race, denomination and tradition. All Redeemer faculty members subscribe to this statement, but it is not a requirement for parents or students.

Why the emphasis on history?

The study of history is central to classical education. Studying Western history, art, and literature from all eras provides a window into the cultures that have formed our own.

Redeemer students concentrate on one period of history at a time. Students investigate each time period in depth through its works, words and deeds of artists, musicians, writers, scientists, mathematicians, theologians, philosophers, historians and heroes. The study of history at Redeemer Classical is roughly divided into four sections:

Ancients (5000 BC-400 AD)
Middle Ages (400-1600)
Late Renaissance (1600-1850)
Modern Times (1850-Present)

Each year in grammar school, students move chronologically through a section of the timeline. This cycle of study is repeated in the logic and rhetoric school years, building on the foundation that has been laid, by using their developing skills of reasoning, analysis and persuassion.

Why study Latin and Greek?

  • Studying older, complex languages like Latin and Greek enhances students’ understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and word origins.

  • Classical language students develop an appreciation for nuance and precision, especially when translating words that lack direct equivalents in English.

  • The rigorous study of Latin and Greek improves students’ ability to read, write, and think critically.

  • Learning Latin and Greek provides insights into history, culture, and philosophy, particularly during the time period of the life of Christ and early Christianity.

  • Understanding ancient languages broadens students’ perspectives on humanity and modern culture, connecting them to the legacy of Greek and Roman civilization.

  • Latin and Greek are valued for their inherent beauty and the literary treasures they offer through direct engagement with classical texts.

  • Latin is the foundation of modern Romance languages, making it easier for students to acquire languages, like Spanish, later.

  • Latin students perform exceptionally well on standardized tests and are sought after by competitive colleges.

Do you use textbooks?

Great minds begin by reading great books. While we do utilize a few textbooks, we seek to offer students direct contact with great minds as much as possible. Our students read good books, classic literature, and a wide variety of source documents in all disciplines. Students who read good books write better because they have history’s best teachers. More importantly, the ideas in good books inspire and educate students for a lifetime.

Is classical education only for gifted students?

NO. Classical education is an excellent way to teach children … whatever their abilities. All students can excel at Redeemer, as we provide an interesting, challenging and robust academic environment. Classical education works with the natural development of the child and teaches fundamental skills in grammar, logic, history, math, and science. This knowledge is accessible to everyone; it is knowledge that forms the basis of good thinking. Moreover, classical education communicates these skills in a way that is enjoyable and holistic. We aim to provide a moral and spiritual grounding which is invaluable for every student — whatever his or her academic ability may be. Every child deserves a classical education.

What if my child is older and has not been classically educated? Will it be too difficult for them to “get up to speed”?

No. When an older student transitions into classical education, there is typically an adjustment period in which that student is introduced to new material and educational methods. With a little work, students typically transition extremely well. Most importantly, we are committed to shepherding students through this process. Our teachers are generous with their time and are happy to provide extra help when needed.

How does Redeemer encourage independence and discovery?

The oldest, and still the most powerful, teaching tactic for fostering critical thinking is to give students questions, not answers. We model an inquiring, probing mind by deeply exploring subjects together. Students are taught to engage with texts and classmates to answer not just who or what but why, how, and why does it matter. In all subjects, students are led to think for themselves rather than to memorize teachers’ answers to questions. This teaching style arouses curiosity and creates an atmosphere where students are truly learning as opposed to parroting information then quickly forgetting it.

Do you offer physical education?

YES. All students have regular classes in structured physical education where they learn how to play a wide variety of sports and how to set and meet physical improvement goals. We hope to establish a habit of lifelong personal fitness in our students. We also offer multiple after school sport teams and clubs.

What about music and art?

Music and art are an integral part of the regular classical education curriculum. In addition, Redeemer students meet weekly for both music and art classes. By studying the fine arts in their historical context, students can understand the perspectives that cultivated them.

How do you stack up in math and science?

Redeemer boasts a very strong math and sciences curriculum. In 8th grade, students take Algebra I and Earth Science — both of which are high school level courses (with high school credits). Additionally, students take courses in formal Logic in 7th and 8th grade. In Logic School students complete two separate science fair projects in order to practice formulating and executing an extended project. In Rhetoric School (9th-12th) all courses, including math and science, are taught at the honors level. The quality of our science and math program bears itself out in our students’ standardized test scores. In 2022-23, 100% of our 5th graders performed at or above the national norm in mathematics. In addition, mathematics is consistently a top performance area of students taking the CLT in 8th-11th grade.

Is Redeemer accredited?

YES. Redeemer is fully accredited by Christian School International, whose accreditation process has been approved by both the Virginia Council for Private Education (as authorized by the Virginia State Board of Education), and Cognia/AdvancED. This means that Redeemer's transcripts and diplomas are recognized virtually anywhere in the world.

Does Redeemer teach computer skills?

YES, but not until Logic School. In their 6th grade Study Skills classes, Redeemer students learn to type, word process, use spreadsheets and shared documents, conduct safe internet searches, and demonstrate email etiquette. They utilize these skills for numerous classes throughout logic and rhetoric school. However, in grammar school, teachers refrain from using screens in the classroom.

What is your homework policy?

One of the benefits of classical education is that effective classroom teaching reduces the need for excessive homework. In the lower grades, while some homework is necessary to develop study skills, the amount given to grammar-stage students at Redeemer Classical School will be minimal. For the upper grades (6th-12th), homework is essential in developing students’ academic independence while furthering their understanding of the classroom material. While we believe it’s good for students to work hard, the upper school teachers coordinate homework load to ensure it is not excessive.

Why do you wear uniforms?

Our uniform and dress code policy is an expression of the following values: unity, clarity, simplicity, order, obedience and modesty. Having a uniform reminds students that they have come to school for work. It protects our students from the distractions that a less formal dress code can bring about. We want our students and teachers to be able to give their time and efforts to learning instead of the competitions and comparisons that can plague so many children at school.

Why did you choose the Griffin as your mascot?

The Griffin has a colorful and ancient history as an icon and symbol. Two aspects of its lore make it an appealing symbol for our school’s mascot. First, in the 14th century the Griffin was used as a representation for Christ. The eagle and lion represented the two natures of Christ: God and Man. Secondly, in British heraldry, the Griffin has been a recurring symbol of bravery and courage. As Redeemer trains children, it is our hope they will be like a “flock” of Griffins, displaying humility and courage as they pursue the good, the true and the beautiful in their communities.