Shepherding the heart and the mind
PreK and Kindergarten
At Redeemer Classical School, we understand that PreK and Kindergarten provide the building blocks on which children will grow academically, socially and morally. We believe that each child is a precious and unique individual and we guide and teach them accordingly, shepherding their hearts as well as their minds.
At the same time, we direct children on how to function within a classroom environment and follow rules such as:
Be respectful of all people. Be kind to others.
Listen while others are talking.
Always do your best work.
Obey the first time, sweetly and completely.
We believe in having high expectations for children to follow and our teachers model such behavior. We strive to provide a loving, safe and comfortable learning environment for all children.
Pre-K At Redeemer
As children begin their first experience in a school environment, we welcome our PreK students into a safe and warm place ready to be explored. Our classical education model provides an atmosphere where children are introduced to excellent literature and where we foster a love for learning. The children learn independence, as their hearts are being guided toward the Truth.
With a curriculum rich in Bible, Memorization, Phonics, Math, Geography, Science, History, Art and movement the children learn through hands-on exploration. Throughout the year, themes and activities are letter-focused in alphabetical order. The daily routine includes: imaginative play, sensory exploration, fine motor practice and collaborative play (as well as snack time). The preschool classroom extends beyond the inside walls. The children use the outside garden and working space to explore the natural world around them.
Our Pre-K program is open to all 4 year old children. We offer both a HALF DAY and a FULL DAY program. The school day starts at 8 a.m. and runs until 11:30 each day for the half day class. Full day classes runs until 3:00* each day. We do offer the program on a part time (three days per week) basis if the class is not filled with full time students.
* After School care is also available until 5:30 p.m.
Half-day and full-day Kindergarten
The beauty of our Kindergarten program is in its integration. Through the reading of “living books” (i.e., books that open the mind and encourage reading) we introduce students to the study of language arts, history, geography, science, math, music, art and Bible. In addition, teachers provide plenty of opportunities for children to engage in structured and spontaneous physical activity, as well as free time for play or individual activities.
Redeemer students participate in many daily activities which prepare them to learn. Because children learn in different ways, our students are exposed to a concept using a multisensory approach. This instruction supplies children multiple ways to make connections and learn concepts.
A typical day in Kindergarten (both full and half day) includes the below subjects. Movement is involved in every lesson to keep students engaged and give them the opportunity to be active learners.
Bible time
Language Arts
Full day students also have art, music and physical education.
“Our son has had such a positive experience in Kindergarten. We have seen him progress academically in his understanding of the world around him, knowledge of history and the Bible, reading and writing skills, and math skills. Even more, we are blessed to know that you are patiently working with him on self-control, kindness and the other fruits of the Spirit.””