Wisdom and eloquence

In the Renaissance world, the educated person was often described as a “good man well-practiced in the art of speaking” (Quintilian). The classical ideal was a person who not only embodied goodness, truth, and beauty, but who was also able to effectively communicate these virtues with others.

We want the same for our students today. To that end, we provide students with extensive opportunities to practice the art of public speaking in order to cultivate their ability to speak eloquently and persuasively. We believe that this is an important life skill that will allow them to stand out in the crowd as they stand up for truth, goodness, and beauty.

First Friday recitations

Throughout the year students showcase the poems, songs, Bible verses, stories, and historical timelines they are memorizing in class by reciting them at school gatherings. This most often occurs at our First Friday Recitations — a monthly event wherein each grade recites selections of their choosing. Recitations not only provide students with a goal line for their memory work, it also allows students to practice public speaking on a regular basis in a less intimidating way.

Evening programs

While preparing for their twice-annual evening performances, students develop skills for public speaking, performance, music literacy, tuneful singing, playing instruments, musical movement, improvisation and composition. The preparation and execution provide the same benefits as the First Friday Reciations, but in front of a much larger audience and in a more formal setting.


Individual oral presentations

Starting in Kindergarten, teachers direct students on how to prepare and carry out an individual oral presentation in front of their class. They help their students hone this skill throughout their time at Redeemer with other class presentations as well as presenting their Science Fair projects to judges beginning in fifth grade.

LEAP Presentation

Students in the 8th grade spend their final semester preparing for their LEAP (Logic School Ending Achievement Project) Presentation. The purpose of the assignment is to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of and mastery in a chosen subject area. The topics highlight personal interests that have been strengthened and nurtured while at Redeemer. Students work diligently — with input and guidance from their teachers — to present themselves and their ideas winsomely before an audience in a 3-5 minute presentation.

Senior Thesis

Students in their last year at Redeemer will devote one class of their Senior Year to researching, writing and preparing for their Senior Thesis presentation. In the spring, they will not only present their Thesis to a panel of teachers and other judges, but also defend their work.

If I went back to college again, I’d concentrate on two areas: learning to write and to speak before an audience. Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively.”
— Gerald R. Ford